Great progress made as new AliDeck Balcony Components Factory begins production, aluminium decking, soffit cladding and balustrades heading out to customers daily

Following our recent move to our new 65,000 square foot headquarters, we have been working hard to get our new production processes in place. That effort is starting to pay off, with completed orders for aluminium decking, soffit cladding and balustrades now being despatched to customers on a daily basis.

Great progress made as new AliDeck Balcony Components Factory begins production, aluminium decking, cladding and balustrades heading out to customers daily

Our growing team of factory operatives is making excellent headway in discovering new efficiencies as we all become accustomed to the new scale of our operation. To see the shop floor a hive of activity all day every day is very satisfying.

Great progress made as new AliDeck Balcony Components Factory begins production, aluminium decking, cladding and balustrades heading out to customers daily

While this progress is impressive, there’s still work to do as we spread our wings at our new home. Watch this space for updates!

To find out more about how AliDeck can help you achieve your goals with your balcony, terrace and walkway projects, call 01622 235 672 or email