AliDeck reflect on an enjoyable and rewarding Futurebuild 2020

AliDeck enjoyed a really inspiring Futurebuild 2020, meeting and engaging with a lot of interesting and enthusiastic people keen to learn all about the AliDeck aluminium decking range.

With the national conversations on construction now revolving mostly around safety and sustainability, AliDeck’s non-combustible, 100% aluminium decking boards and joists naturally answer a lot of the key questions that architects and developers are facing as they specify the nation’s future homes.

It was no surprise, then, that the AliDeck team at Futurebuild was kept busy throughout the whole three-day exhibition with an endless stream of visitors eager to examine and interrogate all aspects of the AliDeck System and understand how the AliDeck products could ensure that their project technical criteria could be satisfied.

Most interesting were the conversations had with local authority and housing association representatives, who face a monumental task in replacing combustible elements from their diverse and large property portfolios following the recent legislation changes. It was deeply reassuring to see and hear first-hand the commitment to fire safety and the understanding of the necessity of investing in the safest possible solutions to guarantee their tenant’s security.

It’s all too easy to quantify the success of an exhibition in terms of leads obtained or orders placed but the feeling across the whole AliDeck team in the aftermath of Futurebuild was that a greater value had been achieved. The richness of the conversations that the team had as they showcased our whole aluminium decking range and the enthusiasm that all of our visitors showed as they learned about our System served to underline the inherent success of our designed family of products.

Futurebuild 2020 was a great success for AliDeck. We spoke with hundreds of architects, developers, planners, contractors, and more, and we’ve begun a lot of new relationships that will prove fruitful for us all. We’re looking forward to speaking to all of our new friends again soon!

Here’s a video of the AliDeck team in action at Futurebuild, it’s great to see how engaged our audience were with the AliDeck presentation: