Maximise Efficiency with APIA: AliDeck’s AI-Powered Installation Assistant for Your Projects

AliDeck has introduced an innovative AI-powered tool called the AliDeck Personal Installation Assistant (A.P.I.A), designed to revolutionise customer support in building and construction projects. A.P.I.A is part of AliDeck’s commitment to providing comprehensive training and support, enhancing the overall customer experience with cutting-edge technology.

In-depth Overview of A.P.I.A:

  • AI-Powered Assistance: A.P.I.A is a sophisticated AI chatbot that serves as a 24/7 project partner for AliDeck customers. This tool is programmed to handle enquiries, guide users through the product range, and offer instant solutions to common installation challenges.
  • Enhanced Accessibility and Convenience: The main appeal of A.P.I.A lies in its ability to provide immediate responses and support around the clock. Users can access A.P.I.A from anywhere at any time, ensuring that expert guidance is just a click away.
  • Comprehensive Product Guidance: A.P.I.A not only responds to queries but also helps to educate users about the AliDeck product range. This includes detailed explanations of product specifications, installation tips, and troubleshooting assistance.
  • Autonomous On-Site Support: Whether it’s new-build or remediation projects, A.P.I.A enables customers to install AliDeck balcony components on-site independently. This tool provides step-by-step guidance and solutions to installation queries, effectively reducing the need for direct contact with technical support. However, the option for personalised assistance from our dedicated human support team remains available to ensure comprehensive service and satisfaction.
  • Training and Resource Enhancement: A.P.I.A is a key component of AliDeck’s expanded training initiatives, and we highly recommend you make the most of our training academy too. It complements traditional training methods by offering an interactive learning experience, allowing users to consolidate their learning through practical, AI-guided assistance.
  • Dedicated Technical Support: While A.P.I.A offers efficiency and quick solutions, AliDeck recognises the invaluable role of human touch in customer service. The dedicated team of experts ready to provide additional support beyond A.P.I.A, providing personalised assistance and addressing more complex issues that require human intervention.

AliDeck invites you to explore these training opportunities and leverage the advanced support provided by A.P.I.A. By integrating AI technology with human expertise, AliDeck aims to set new standards in customer support and resource availability, thereby ensuring the success of your construction projects.

For more information on how to integrate A.P.I.A into your project planning and execution, or to book a training session, please contact us at 01622 235 672 or

Visit the AliDeck Install Training Page for further details.