AliDeck Non-combustible Aluminium Decking Fire Retardant Tape
The AliDeck aluminium decking system is a complete solution for all balcony underside requirements on steel cantilever projecting balconies, concrete inset balconies, terraces, and walkways. Consisting of extruded aluminium components for high strength and low weight, AliDeck’s kit-form construction provides excellent versatility and a solution for all requirements.
AliDeck Fire Retardant Tape is our simple solution for fire-safe adhesive tape, specifically designed to provide a firm and durable adhesion for AliDeck pedestals. With flame retardant adhesive coated on a flame retardant acrylic foam carrier, Fire Retardant Tape fixes directly to the underside of AliDeck aluminium decking pedestals and provides strong adhesion as well as an effective barrier between dissimilar metals.
Cost-effective, safe and highly practical decking board pedestal adhesive tape
AliDeck Fire Retardant Tape provides a safe and cost-effective edge trim for a tidy and aesthetically pleasing visual impact.

Available to order in bulk with decking orders on request, AliDeck Fire Retardant Tape can be shipped in balcony-specific despatch for excellent operational efficiencies on-site. With AliDeck Fire Retardant Tape simply fixed to the decking pedestal feet, installation is quickly and easily completed.
Non-combustible pedestal adhesion solution for AliDeck aluminium decking
Speed and ease of installation is essential to the success of your balcony project. AliDeck Fire Retardant Tape has been designed to integrate seamlessly with the AliDeck Aluminium Decking System and provide simple and quick installation.
Fire Retardant Tape is non-combustible and is fully-compliant with all applicable legislation.
AliDeck Fire Retardant Tape is constructed from acrylic flame retardant foam and non-combustible adhesive.
Zero maintenance is required beyond simple cleaning of the decking system.