AliDeck visit fantastic aluminium terrace decking installation at timber replacement project in London
AliDeck were on the road recently to drop in to the closing stages of a great terrace decking installation in London. Replacing the existing timber deck and beams, our AliDeck boards and joists have delivered a truly stunning finish at this low-rise residential building.

Installed by AliDeck approved installer Alu-Installations, this terrace deck project used our 30mm Senior Flat Board to deliver a great looking slip and fire resistant deck to replace the extremely tired and rotting existing timber.
For underside support, the AliDeck Supa Joist, our premium and heavy-duty large-spanning joist, was used to provide both extreme strength and stability and also the correct large build-up height required for a flush finish.
The terrace actually wraps around three sides of the building, with a slim alleyway section and then a secluded rear terrace area. In this rear terrace was an elevated section which was able to be neatly integrated using a length of AliDeck Nosing Profile to build up the step face.

Finished in Anthracite Grey (RAL 7016), the completed terrace deck has transformed this outside space for the residents and has also helped make their homes much more fire safe. The A1-Rated AliDeck System will provide them with decades of flawless service and safety.
If you’d like to learn more about your options for terrace decking, please call the AliDeck team on 01622 235 672 or email