How much does fire-rated replacement decking cost?

Whilst it’s challenging to provide exact pricing for aluminium decking, fire-rated replacement decking or other projects, such as cladding for example, without considering specific project details, there are several factors that influence the overall cost of a compliant aluminium balcony decking & cladding systems. Understanding these elements can help property owners and managers better estimate the investment required for retrofit projects.

Team members discussing balcony retrofit plans with AliDeck branded safety helmet visible

Size & Complexity: Impact on Decking Replacement Budget

The total square meterage of decking to be replaced is a primary factor in determining cost. Larger areas will naturally require more materials and labour. Additionally, the complexity of the balcony layout, including irregular shapes or multiple levels, can impact installation time and costs.

Close-up of hands measuring an AliDeck aluminium decking board with a tape measure

Assessing Structures: Cost Implications for Remediation

The state of the current balcony structure plays a crucial role. If the underlying support system needs repair or replacement, this will add to the overall cost. In some cases, the existing structure may be suitable for direct replacement, which can help reduce expenses.

Access Challenges: Price Considerations Installations

The ease of access to the balconies can significantly affect labour costs. High-rise buildings or those with difficult access may require specialised equipment or additional safety measures, increasing the overall project cost.

Worker installing AliDeck aluminium decking during a balcony remediation project

Comparing Aluminium Decking System Costs

There are various aluminium decking systems available, each with different features and price points. For example, AliDeck offers options like the cost-effective Lite Board V2, specifically designed for retrofit projects, as well as more premium options. The choice of system will impact the material costs.

Additional Components: Hidden Expenses in Balcony Upgrades

Beyond the decking boards themselves, other components may be necessary, such as joists, pedestals, and drainage systems. AliDeck supplies a comprehensive range of balcony components, including soffit cladding and balustrade systems, which can affect the total cost of the project.

Overhead view of AliDeck's manufacturing facility with worker assembling aluminium decking components

Compliance and Certification: Budgeting for Safety Standards

Ensuring compliance with current fire safety regulations, such as those outlined in BS 8579:2020, may require specific certifications or additional safety features, which can influence the cost. AliDeck’s products are UKCA certified and CE marked, ensuring they meet the highest safety standards.

Removal and Disposal: Often Overlooked Cost Factors

The process of removing and disposing of the current combustible decking is an often-overlooked cost factor. This can vary depending on the material being replaced and local disposal regulations.

View of AliDeck operative in AliDeck Aluminium Decking Powder Coating Facility

Installation Costs: Balancing Complexity and Efficiency

The intricacy of the installation process can affect labour costs. Systems designed for quick and easy installation, like those offered by AliDeck, can help reduce these expenses. AliDeck provides free installation training for customers, which can potentially lower overall project costs.

Customisation and Aesthetics: Pricing for Tailored Solutions

If specific colours or finishes are required to match the building’s aesthetic, this customisation may impact the cost. AliDeck offers powder coating options in various RAL colours to meet aesthetic requirements.

Wide view of AliDeck's aluminium decking production line in their manufacturing facility

Economies of Scale: Cost Benefits for Large-Scale Projects

For large-scale projects, such as retrofitting an entire apartment complex, there may be economies of scale that could reduce per-unit costs. However, urgent projects requiring rapid completion might incur premium charges.

Long-Term Value: Warranty and Durability Cost Considerations

While not an upfront cost, considering the warranty offered and the long-term durability of aluminium decking can provide better value over time compared to less expensive but less durable options. AliDeck’s extensive experience in the industry supports their product reliability.

Geographic Factors Affecting Decking Replacement Prices

Labour and material transportation costs can vary significantly depending on the project’s location, affecting the overall price. AliDeck has offices and warehouses across the UK, which can help optimise delivery timescales and potentially reduce costs.

While it’s not possible to provide a one-size-fits-all price for fire-rated replacement decking, understanding these factors can help in estimating the potential cost of a retrofit project. For an accurate quote, it’s best to consult with experienced suppliers and installers who can assess your specific needs and provide tailored solutions.

Consultation Services: Estimating Your Balcony Upgrade Costs


Companies like AliDeck, with their extensive range of aluminium decking and balcony components, offer consultation services to help determine the most cost-effective and compliant solution for your balcony replacement needs. Their focus on innovation and customer-centric approach ensures that they can provide solutions that balance safety, compliance, and cost-effectiveness.

By considering these factors and partnering with experienced suppliers, property owners and managers can make informed decisions about their fire safety upgrades, ensuring compliance while managing costs effectively.

For enquiries about our range of A-rated fire-safe solutions for balconies, terraces, and walkways, contact AliDeck today at 01622 235 672 or email us via