Aluminium Decking, Farringdon, London: Fire Safety Remediation Project
With timber decking and joists in the balcony floors, the development was unable to pass fire safety assessments and required remediation. The balconies are of simple steel cantilever construction so the removal of the timber material and direct replacement with AliDeck boards and joists is a simple matter.

Thanks for all your work on this guys, it has been impressive and well received.
Aluminium Decking: Farringdon, London Project Details
Housing Association
20mm Aluminium Decking Board
Farringdon, London
RAL 8003 Clay Brown
An often-misunderstood aspect of aluminium decking is that it is literally a direct replacement for timber or composite decking; any scenario that has decking can make use of aluminium decking just as easily as any other type of decking. While the boards are metal, they can be used and worked essentially no differently to timber or composite boards.
The team at Romero Interiors completed the replacement works quickly and to a high standard. With 20mm AliDeck Junior Boards in RAL 8003 Clay Brown, the finished aesthetic of the balconies is warm and natural.
The balcony steel framework had a relatively large gap between bearers but this was more than adequately spanned by our 30mm Lite Joist, also finished in Clay Brown powdercoat for tidy balcony undersides.
The installation was performed by Romero Interiors.
Visit our aluminium balcony decking page for more information or contact us now to discuss your projects.