Fire-Rated Decking, Balustrades, Drainage, Soffit, & Fencing Systems For Complete Balcony Solutions

  • 01622 235 672

Keeping Safe with Aluminium: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Decking and Balcony Solutions in Warmer Climates and Summer Temperatures

As the industry leans towards sustainable and low-maintenance materials, a question frequently arises among architects, developers, and homeowners alike: does aluminium decking and balcony components get uncomfortably hot under the sun? Prioritising safety and comfort, especially in multi-storey and multi-occupancy buildings, it’s essential to understand how aluminium withstands temperature fluctuations and sun exposure.

Does aluminium decking get hot? AliDeck perform heat test and make like-for-like comparison to timber and composite decking

This blog explores the thermal properties of aluminium decking, debunking myths and showcasing how leaders like AliDeck address heat absorption, confirming aluminium’s place as the top choice for modern projects.

AliDeck enhances its aluminium solutions with a Qualicoat Seaside standard powder-coat finish, which boosts aesthetic appeal and manages heat effectively. This finish insulates the material, moderating surface temperatures and ensuring comfort in warmer climates or summer months. The innovative coating ensures AliDeck’s products remain cooler and more durable than traditional materials, ideal for any project.

Discover the significant impact of the right materials and finishes on the thermal performance and safety of decking solutions. AliDeck’s commitment to durability, aesthetics, and thermal efficiency is evident in their use of the Qualicoat Seaside standard finish, making their products suitable for any climate.

Aluminium Decking Heat Safety FAQs

Interested in more details on how AliDeck ensures your outdoor spaces remain functional and attractive in all conditions? Check out our detailed FAQs below and see why AliDeck is your best choice for safer, cooler outdoor living spaces.

Are AliDeck’s drainage solutions effective in high temperatures?2024-04-18T10:20:08+01:00

AliDeck’s aluminium drainage systems on balconies perform reliably in the heat, maintaining their function without the risk of warping or brittleness.

Does AliDeck recommend aluminium for all outdoor structural applications?2024-04-18T10:20:33+01:00

AliDeck endorses aluminium as an excellent material for balconies, terraces, walkways, and even outdoor staircases, thanks to its quick adaptation to temperature shifts, ensuring safety and comfort.

What steps has AliDeck taken to combat heat in their aluminium balcony components?2024-04-18T10:21:15+01:00

AliDeck prioritises thermal comfort in their design process, using reflective colours and coatings, and optimising airflow and shading to maintain cooler temperatures.

Why are AliDeck’s solutions a strategic choice for energy efficiency in buildings?2024-04-18T10:22:35+01:00

By aiding in the reduction of cooling costs through their thermal properties, AliDeck’s aluminium solutions are a strategic choice for enhancing the energy efficiency of buildings.

For thermal management, why is AliDeck aluminium preferable for commercial spaces?2024-04-18T10:19:32+01:00

AliDeck’s aluminium solutions are tailored for areas with high foot traffic, offering fast cooling and low-maintenance features that ensure consistent safety and comfort.

Contact our expert team today to discuss our range of aluminium decking and balcony component solutions at 01622 235 672 or email via

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