Ensure Safety with AliDeck’s Slip-Resistant Aluminium Decking Boards – Balcony Solutions
At AliDeck, we are committed to providing our valued customers with the safest and highest quality decking solutions available. This dedication is evident in our rigorous testing of our aluminium decking boards for slip resistance, among many others, guaranteeing they meet the most stringent safety standards in both wet and dry conditions.

Unwavering Commitment to Enhanced Safety and Exceptional Performance in All Weather Conditions
We have conducted comprehensive testing on our entire range of aluminium decking boards in accordance with BS 7976 part 2, employing a calibrated and certified portable Pendulum instrument. This thorough testing approach accurately simulates various scenarios that decking boards may encounter in real-world applications, ensuring their performance under diverse conditions.
The findings of our slip resistance testing are overwhelmingly positive. All AliDeck decking boards have attained a ‘Low Risk’ rating for slips in both wet and dry conditions. This translates to a significantly lower likelihood of slipping on an AliDeck surface compared to other decking materials, even when wet.
The secret to AliDeck’s exceptional slip resistance lies in its unique surface texture. We have meticulously engineered the surface of our aluminium decking boards to achieve a specific Macro and Micro Roughness (Rz) value. This value serves as a measure of the surface’s roughness, with a higher Rz value indicating a rougher surface, which generally translates to better slip resistance measured by Pendulum Test Value.
AliDeck’s aluminium decking boards have consistently scored a Pendulum Test Value greater than 35 in all conditions. firmly residing within the low Slip Risk rating category. This signifies that the surface is sufficiently rough to provide excellent grip, even when wet.
For more information on our testing results, please visit our dedicated Slip Resistance page on our website or find our FAQ in the Learning Hub. We’re always on hand to provide technical support should you wish to speak with one of our experts, with site visits also available upon request.
If you would like to further discuss our slip resistant balcony decking solutions with us in more detail, please contact us on 01622 534 044 or email us via info@alideck.co.uk.